I started this website during the Covid-19 pandemic due to my appreciation for knowledge and information. I hope that you enjoy the website and learn something new. Feel free to add a comment to any article if you want to say something, and I thank you for spending some time on this project of mine.
About me:
1. My name is Jason Wang, and I'm a member of the species known as Homo sapiens.
2. I subscribe to the teachings of Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Thomas Paine, Bertrand Russell, John Stuart Mill, David Benatar, Arthur Schopenhauer, Viktor Frankl, Albert Camus, and David Pearce.
3. I wrote a book that has been published, and it is called The Behavior of the Sea. It takes place before and during WWII in the Pacific Theatre, and includes my views (at the time of the writing, of course) of the malleability of human nature, the brutality of war, humankind's relationship with the rest of the world, humanity's potential, and the nature of change and continuities over time. The link to my book is at the bottom of the list.
4. I live in order to observe the world, meet new people, grow and improve as a person, accumulate knowledge and information, and help others whenever I can. I hope that when I enter the workforce, I can gain a high-paying job, for I plan to earn to give: while I will allocate a certain amount of my salary to charities and philanthropies centering around the eradication of extreme poverty and the advocacy of animal rights regardless of what job I take part in, one with a large salary will enable me to do more for others (I hope to reach the point where I can give 50% of my earnings to others).
5. If I can meet one person who lived in the past, it would either be Thomas Paine or Nikola Tesla.
6. Publication dates for the reviews and summaries on this website do not reflect the date they were actually written; contrary, they are the dates I finished reading the book discussed.
Amazon Link to my book:
Please note: While I do quote from the books I write summaries for, this is within legal boundaries, as the Fair Use Copyright Act mandates that copyrighted material (in this case, books and images) can be used in certain circumstances, including (which applies to this blog): the use of copyrighted material for nonprofit educational purposes, for noncommercial use, and for criticism and commentary. The Fair Use Copyright Act also states that those who use copyrighted works must give credit to the original sources and creators, which I have done for each summary and review I wrote.
Image credits for the two pictures below: